Charlie and Dom..........Thanks for mentioning our opionion of Automatic Dragsters. We actually received equal response (for and against), but most people chose not to put it in writting which is what NHRA told us was needed. To clarify our situation, we run an Automatic in a Stick shift class (C/D) due to no "Fuel Injection" classes

. Way back when, we were opposed to the automatic classes being created and had signed a petition against them (even though we were at disadvantage). We, at the time, were running the combination that I just spoke about. It was not until NHRA created the Automatic classes that we started to voice our opinion and requested that they do the same for the Dragsters that they did for the other classes. As far as Donnie's statement about the indexes, Mike and I believe that we were very fair with our request.........When NHRA gave the tenth back to us in C/D, we asked that a C/DA class be created since the other automatic classes were created and we would take the same index as C/D . We actually made the request for A,B,C....etc. Dragster classes, not just ourselves!! Now..........tell me how that is getting a soft index

!! As for these people that say there are to many classes already, then lets get rid of all the ones created and see where it puts those people.

Yes that was sarcasim, but I think those it was meant for should know who they are!! We would love to keep racing in Comp, but don't have the money to redo every thing that we have worked hard at and very soon there will be one less Dragster unless something is done for the Dragster classes

. We also have found out who our true friends are in Comp and have chosen to stay in our pit most of the time to avoid the clicks!!
Hey Dom.......just a heads up that we also supported you for your request. It is truley a shame that people have to have money/pull to get anything accomplished!!