Wright Tool Sponsorship

Ray currently owes me $9000 plus $3000 in tools. He has disappeared and wont repsond to calls or e mails. I was just searching for Wright tools and all the posts on him are not good. And whe nI read that post form the Wright Tool guy, thats nice.

Steve Furr
This situation was recently discussed at the D1 Banquet.. as a result of that conversation, it is recommended that all racers affected by this scam, notify their Division Directors in writing.. there are possible sanctions and penalties available through NHRA, but victims need to come forward and information needs to be given.. there are many victims out there, and it is apparent that the values are in the 10's of thousands of dollars to many of them..

ALSO.. I can appreciate Wright Tools coming forward with their communications on this Forum and to Jeff Lane, but I still believe that this individual perpetrated this scam as a representative of their company and the company should therefore offer remedy to the victims.. without having the ability to use the Wright Tools name, these actions could not have happened.. they in turn should go after this individual to recoup their loses and bear the costs of doing so, NOT THE VICTIMS!!!.. IMAGINE THAT!!
I say go to the track with all victims in place add up everybodys money wats owed then put a wholesale value of 50..000 dollars on the D/ED\D/DA and take it, pay everyone wats owed then give the owner the Balance its and old saying an eye for an eye. want you can fu-k me but I cant get even BULLSHIT BTW I would get the 50.000 for you on the spot just my feelings
I saw that last year he was racing on the west coast alot . Sold the west coast racers a bougas tool deal . Now where is he gona race I bet he dont show up at any race . What the hell was he thinking , there is no way he can ever repay the damage he has caused . I have seen guys get on drugs and tell all kind of lies and not rember it . I am not saying that was the case but the pattern is there .
The rumor out of D3 is that he is going to race in D1.. and from what I'm hearing, $50,000 may not cover it..

Ol Skool may just have to wait a bit Vinny, but you can't keep your finger in the dyke forever..
Thanks for posting this, Dan.. hopefully all of the Comp racers that check in on this forum will reach out to the victims that they know who have been affected by this Ass Clown..
I know he owes me $12,000 and Anthony Bertozzi $14,000 still. Jailtime will be nice.

Steve Furr
Word has it, the Ass Clown is sitting in lock-up in Ohio awaiting extradition to Kentucky.. get your paperwork in order boys!!!
There are a couple of law enforcement contact people discussed on insidetopalcohol.com.. if you are a victim, or know victims, reach out to them and make yourself and your complaint known.. click on the link posted by Dan Lynch..

It's clear the Ass Clown's attorney is already contacting victims to make settlement deals to get him out of jail.. and of course, Dad is crying.. the question is, where will they find all that owed money??..
There are a couple of law enforcement contact people discussed on insidetopalcohol.com.. if you are a victim, or know victims, reach out to them and make yourself and your complaint known.. click on the link posted by Dan Lynch..

It's clear the Ass Clown's attorney is already contacting victims to make settlement deals to get him out of jail.. and of course, Dad is crying.. the question is, where will they find all that owed money??..

so this ray is sitting in the cell now holy crap i gotta tell anthony ray owes him about 9000.00 wats he have to do i ll do it for him
Please do Vinny.. and maybe Anthony will get together with Steve Furr and the Cummins family too.. just to name a few..