G G guitar builder May 30, 2013 hey Mr. Ritchie, I"m Wynne from Greenwell Springs, La, a friend of Charles/Joey...sure hope to see you at Belle Rose Div-4 Race, are you plannin on bein there? Sure like to meet you/wynne richardson
hey Mr. Ritchie, I"m Wynne from Greenwell Springs, La, a friend of Charles/Joey...sure hope to see you at Belle Rose Div-4 Race, are you plannin on bein there? Sure like to meet you/wynne richardson
Adger Smith May 30, 2012 Sorry I've been away from ICR dealing with my Dad's stroke/health.. did you get your problems fixed?? Adger
Sorry I've been away from ICR dealing with my Dad's stroke/health.. did you get your problems fixed?? Adger