.400 Full Tree: Yes/No

.400 FULL tree in Comp?

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Dave, I think you are right. The slower heavy car could have a problem using a blinder with a slow spec button. Give them a quick spec button and should be fine, but then the fast automatic dragsters would all redlight. Thats why I am against a spec button. NHRA has rules on buttons and if they would enforce the rules as stated instead of accepting some buttons that do not follow the rules, I would not care if they had a .500 , .450, or a .400 tree.

Steve, a B/AA using blinders should redlight always using a quick spec button. The thumb is quicker than the leg.

well said Steve P. nhra has not made any adjustments for PSM and so far this year the red eye factor has been far less a problem for those guys. they must have have made changes to the bikes to adress the problem, we all need to do the same. as long as a human is driving a racecar their is going to be redlights.