Best 8 cylinder O2 monitoring set up?


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
For those of you running the individual O2 monitoring set up a few questions.
1) is it worth it?
2) what set up do you use and how do you like it?

I have a racepak on our other car with dual O2s and a sportsman model racepak.

Wondering if the Daytona 8 cylinder set up that is linked to a racepak is the best or just buy the racepak o 2 or?

Appreciate any feedback. Jim
I've heard good things about the Daytona sensors, but the Racepak will be easiest to set up. And to link the Daytona you will need an interface.
Thanks Mark. I want to get some on track data that will help tuning and other mods. Seemed logical to get Data for each cylinder. I have a racepak sportsman with dual O2s on our stickshift stocker. I have seen several comp cars in the lanes with individual O2 set ups, so I was hoping for some feedback. I appreciate your response and welcome any others.
8 O2's are a great way to see distribution in the engine, with a stocker it will help you if you have an area that needs more fuel. Your tools to get equal distribution are limited, but there are little things you may be able to help it with.