Congradulations to Lee Adkins, .770 under

10-4 Art i don't see why anybody cares anyway. nobody said a word when jay payne went 86 under in pomona a couple of years ago so whats the big deal. i would like to point out however that the new """mineshaft""" index rule is a fail. look at who has one all of the races so far and from where they qualified, supposed to help the little guy but it hasn't in fact it has hurt the little guy. and art hope to see you out somewhere this year.

Mr. Tanksley,

You are running from the point I am making. If you are going to make a stupid statement stand behind, don't tell me I misunderstood. I got to say I read the things that Pete Adams says on this forum, I do not agree with everything but I have the upmost respect for him because he beleives in what he says and stands behind it.

The bottom line, you, me or anyone in comp has no right to say who or who should not run. NHRA predicates when & where we will all run. make the best of it. Take advantage of what we have. Like I told my exwife "Appreciate the things in life you have and quit bitchen about the things you don't." I wish you the best of luck with you C/D but please do not bash my avenue of racing. We all need to pay attention to the big picture, watch the news.

Ian, Thanks for asking, I am hoping to be in Charlotte or Houston.

Art Hodges
Mr. Tanksley,

You are running from the point I am making. If you are going to make a stupid statement stand behind, don't tell me I misunderstood. I got to say I read the things that Pete Adams says on this forum, I do not agree with everything but I have the upmost respect for him because he beleives in what he says and stands behind it.

The bottom line, you, me or anyone in comp has no right to say who or who should not run. NHRA predicates when & where we will all run. make the best of it. Take advantage of what we have. Like I told my exwife "Appreciate the things in life you have and quit bitchen about the things you don't." I wish you the best of luck with you C/D but please do not bash my avenue of racing. We all need to pay attention to the big picture, watch the news.

Ian, Thanks for asking, I am hoping to be in Charlotte or Houston.

Art Hodges
The point was about P/M and also blower cars in stock . The index is bogus . Bogus to me means soft .P/M cars run in the 5.90 zone and the index was 6.95 that is soft the way i see it . I do have the right to belive that index was soft .I was not talking about your car in the first place i did`nt even know you had a P/M .NHRA would not care what i think anyway so you dont need to wish me good luck either.I think i can make it fine without your respect .I do love P/M cars a good friend of mine has one i pick at him and he just laugh . We help him with his car or use to .His does and has run in the 5 sec zone . It is good enough and has won INDY .
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...I'm thinkin that art hodges is diggin himself a huge hole whenever he makes it to a racetrack and has to produce. It's one thing to talk, but when ya are a racer, you are held accountable, not to me, but to the truth, which is, all the other racers who show up, and race, so um, show me something mister, stop talkin, show up, race, then talketh. Art, you have alot of talk so far, and all you are doing is talk, so when you gonna show up and race? Talk tha talk, walk tha walk. Don't be a Obama here, ok, show me something mister, ok. Alot of good guys showed up to race and they went home with their wounds from trying. What kind of wounds from showing up to race did you suffer. You keep on running your obamasucker, when are you gonna defend your obama. I for one, and tired of hearing your diatribe, step up, show me something mister. Stop running your harry reid/nancy pelosi, show me something mister
Like I told my exwife "Appreciate the things in life you have and quit bitchen about the things you don't." I wish you the best of luck with you C/D but please do not bash my avenue of racing. We all need to pay attention to the big picture, watch the news.

Art Hodges

Art, I love your attitude! Hope to meet you at the races someday!
the first thing you need to do here is put your name in your signature, or otherwise identify yourself. Only then can we judge whether or not you have produced anything comparable to what Art has produced,

See what happens . . . I leave this site for a few weeks and the troops become unruly.

...I'm thinkin that art hodges is diggin himself a huge hole whenever he makes it to a racetrack and has to produce.
...I'm thinkin that art hodges is diggin himself a huge hole whenever he makes it to a racetrack and has to produce. It's one thing to talk, but when ya are a racer, you are held accountable, not to me, but to the truth, which is, all the other racers who show up, and race, so um, show me something mister, stop talkin, show up, race, then talketh. Art, you have alot of talk so far, and all you are doing is talk, so when you gonna show up and race? Talk tha talk, walk tha walk. Don't be a Obama here, ok, show me something mister, ok. Alot of good guys showed up to race and they went home with their wounds from trying. What kind of wounds from showing up to race did you suffer. You keep on running your obamasucker, when are you gonna defend your obama. I for one, and tired of hearing your diatribe, step up, show me something mister. Stop running your harry reid/nancy pelosi, show me something mister

Boy you certanly don't know or have never met Art
good luck with the new car Art
...I'm thinkin that art hodges is diggin himself a huge hole whenever he makes it to a racetrack and has to produce. It's one thing to talk, but when ya are a racer, you are held accountable, not to me, but to the truth, which is, all the other racers who show up, and race, so um, show me something mister, stop talkin, show up, race, then talketh. Art, you have alot of talk so far, and all you are doing is talk, so when you gonna show up and race? Talk tha talk, walk tha walk. Don't be a Obama here, ok, show me something mister, ok. Alot of good guys showed up to race and they went home with their wounds from trying. What kind of wounds from showing up to race did you suffer. You keep on running your obamasucker, when are you gonna defend your obama. I for one, and tired of hearing your diatribe, step up, show me something mister. Stop running your harry reid/nancy pelosi, show me something mister

Hey guitar Builder wats up with you why are you getting all over art he has been racing a long time and as much as i hate running those A/PM im sure when arts is done he will be fast,weather he wins a round or not he will be a thorne in us comp racers ass,by performance,!!!! what class are you in maybe you can set an example for us are you 60+ under i dont know i looked on the quailify sheets for guitar builders name cant find it no mater how far i go back , can you help me on that,its guys like you that Dont have a fuc_en clue that piss me off,when i sit home and look at quailifying and say boy if i was there id be 60 + under thats bullshit then i go and find that im faster on the computor than the real deal,so unless you are there Please have a little respect for people and relize they are not going to the races to say im happy with 50 under each and every one of us give more to racing than you think,And i really know how hard it is !!!!!! so again wat class are you in ,please let us know we want to see if you work as hard as all of us with your hands or do you only know how to work the key Board
guitar builder you might want to keep your mouth shut in the future about people you don't know or have never met. just because you know one comp guy does not make you a comp racer. i hope you get to meet art someday i really do, and so you know he has been at this for a while, way longer than you have been making uneducated posts on the interweb

I do not approve of guitars post . No i dont belive he even races . I am not sure where he lives .I dont belive in personal atacks on comp racers or any racer . I made a stament about P/M and trac control being legal or not i did not know, it was all about cars not people . Then MEL thought i and other was bashing his car and put my name on his post . Yes he beat us fair and square no big deal if you run comp you will have that happen a lot .The only i ask while running a P/M is he stays in his lane and everbody will be happy no mader who wins . I did`nt know Art had a P/M thank God that other one dont run comp .I am sure Arts will be fast but mabe we wont have to run him much .Joey said that you as a driver can hear a P/M comming but not that one . That is why he lifted but would not have helped . They held us up looking for trac control not sure why .Mabey they looked at his car too not sure . I realy did`nt care if he had it or not because it might be a good idea if it was legal for them. I do know a car has to have a lot of extra hp that we don`t have .
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foot in mouth

I need to apologize for what I said, it was wrong. I was having a few beers when I wrote that, that is no excuse. To Art, I am sorry for what I said. I am leaving this forum as I don't belong. To all that I offended, I am sorry.
met Art a couple times at Mission, the last time helped him with his Lenco I think prior to him racing mountain motor ps...a real class act and gentleman!!

With the new '69 Camaro I would have bet big money in Vegas that the n/a Chev 5.3 deal would be in the future.....
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Ttraction Control on a Nitrous car????

Come on guys!!! Are you serious????? Traction control pulls timing out of the motor. Nitrous cars pull enough timing out already when all of the systems come on. Traction control on a nitrous car would leave people three towns away from the track with souvenirs off the car in their living rooms. Nitrous car + Traction Control = REALLY BIG BOOM!!!!!
Perhaps Im confused. I thought a LARGE part of this class was about finding a configuration that appears to offer great potential and then working hard to exploit and prosper from said potential. Isn't that what the great Comp racers do? Innovate? Can you say Bruno?

I mean really, who's stupid enough to run a totally flogged out combo, something like a 315" Chevy with one carb in a door car...oh, wait a minute...
