What a whirl wind of activity and emotion. First off, let me speak for both my dad and my brother in thanking you all for the kind words....... Not only on this forum, but all the phone calls and texts as well. I'm sure there were some that did not get responded to, and others that went unanswered because, well.......we have been doing a lot of drinking lately.
As you can imagine, the last few days have been pretty crazy. We never took for granted that things were going to go our way so a lot of last minute planning and decisions had to be made, which is why this post has taken so long to get up.
For those that have never been to the awards ceremonies, please take my word that they are really something to behold, and we hope that you all will get a chance sometime in your racing careers to attend.
We would also like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to panella racing engines, and especially Joe Wheeler, who was with us for the final two races of the season. We would also like to thank Bruno Massel and Bruno sr for all the help and support, all those at Lenco transmissions, Jason Coan, and of course Jerry Haas for a fantastic race car.
We had a dream season, and it will never be forgotten. The three of us have shared some pretty amazing times with each other, and all of our racing friends. Now.....I need to get back to my beer, so i can enjoy this cozy little truck stop in beautiful Green River, Utah.......man, it's going to feel good to get home tomorrow.
Thank you all....God Bless,
The Ficco's