DD/AT Index


Active Member
Dec 3, 2009
Since I still don't completely understand all the PI and Index stuff can someone explain to me how the class index got lowered from 7.72 to 7.62?
In the third round Bruno went 6.900 which is .82 under the class index. Most you can hit the index is a tenth for a race, so the permanent went from .72 to .62. Permanent hits start at .710, regardless of the personal of that particular racer
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Monday after the race, simply yes. It affected Bruno as he was racing, since his personal was .63 at the beginning of elims. His is now .53. Again, you can hit it a million during the event but after the change is at max a tenth
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So in the end we both got hit the same amount. Seems logical to penalize us the same as my car was sitting in the shop that weekend. So you qualify off your personal, you race in eliminations off your personal, but when it comes down to it, the whole class suffers if you go too fast.
First of all congrats to Bruno on the win. Second way to race to win. Third this is how comp has always been. Fourth you can always run Top Sportsman and put whatever dial you want on your car. Stop crying this is comp
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You qualify on the permanent. You race on your personal. I agree with Frank. The permanent hits have always been a part of it. They just changed the numbers around when they instituted the personal index system. My brother and I watched Mr. Ackerman take almost a tenth out of ours last year. It's just part of the class. We just went home and tried to make ours faster
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how can you praise the current rules package if you do not understand it? what you should have said boosted was this. "sure am glad there are 8 rules relating to saving everybodys index or i would be really screwed". because if it was like 2005 or so that index would be rubble for everone. bruno won the race man, i fault nobody for clipping an index for a win. congrats bruno. there is a much larger issue that needs to be addressed though and it should not be here, but it may require everybody to run top sportsman soon. comp is as messed up as polio, norwalk was a chinese fire drill and comp did get booed by fans 1st round.
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First of all congrats to Bruno on the win. Second way to race to win. Third this is how comp has always been. Fourth you can always run Top Sportsman and put whatever dial you want on your car. Stop crying this is comp

I'm not crying. Just trying to understand this ridiculous indexing crap that hasn't always been this way. I was confused by the personal vs. class and how it effects everything.

Still sucks. But I'm not crying. I know I can run Top Sportsman. I can run tons of other classs. I chose comp. Just trying to learn. Lighten up dude.
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Look at it this way, Carey. Just disregard personal for a second. Permanent hits used to always be at .610 under the class index. Now they are at .710 under. We also got a tenth back two years ago. Now for some classes, yours in particular, that tenth has been given back, and then some. But originally, that permanent hit # was still the same ET-wise on the track. For example: Class A had a 7.00 index, so permanent hit was at 6.39 (.610 under). After index shift Class A has a 7.10 index, but the permanent hit is still at 6.39 (.710 under). All you have to do is look at the end of the race. He went 6.900. Class index (permanent) was 7.72. That's .820 under. If this would've been three years ago and the index was .62, it would've been .720 under, which would've still been a permanent hit.

I agree it is confusing sometimes, but I like to just look at it at the end of the race and do a little math and it's not so bad!

Congrats to Bruno, though. I like his style. We may not have a turbo but we like to think we are all 4 cylinder brothers. Haha
You are crying. This is how it has always been . In 2008 I was running CD/A and while I was at a race racing a different class B/AA ,CD/A was hit for 4 perm. So I went home and worked hard on my stuff. Two weeks later went to a race , and all the hard work paid off . We set the record and we were faster then before. So the moral off the story is get to work and stop looking for more handouts.
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Look at it this way, Carey. Just disregard personal for a second. Permanent hits used to always be at .610 under the class index. Now they are at .710 under. We also got a tenth back two years ago. Now for some classes, yours in particular, that tenth has been given back, and then some. But originally, that permanent hit # was still the same ET-wise on the track. For example: Class A had a 7.00 index, so permanent hit was at 6.39 (.610 under). After index shift Class A has a 7.10 index, but the permanent hit is still at 6.39 (.710 under). All you have to do is look at the end of the race. He went 6.900. Class index (permanent) was 7.72. That's .820 under. If this would've been three years ago and the index was .62, it would've been .720 under, which would've still been a permanent hit.

I agree it is confusing sometimes, but I like to just look at it at the end of the race and do a little math and it's not so bad!

Congrats to Bruno, though. I like his style. We may not have a turbo but we like to think we are all 4 cylinder brothers. Haha

I appreciate the clarification. That's all I'm wanting.

I'm new to comp, so don't know "that's the way it's always been".

Guess being rightfully pissed means I'm crying and looking for handouts. And some wonder why their is no new blood in Comp.
I'm new to comp, so don't know "that's the way it's always been".

Guess being rightfully pissed means I'm crying and looking for handouts. And some wonder why their is no new blood in Comp.

I personally believe in this situation, you have thumbs upped more posts about personal index over the last year, and you really didn't even know how it worked until it finally effected you. My biggest beef about it all is that over the last 3 to 4 years, they gave 2 tenths back to all the indexes, and now you either destroy the index if you run it out, or you hit the brakes trying to save index....which is completely unsafe racing. Just think, if they took the 2 tenths away that they gave back, Bruno would have only been -.62 under, and you would have only been hit 2 perm. But everyone wants to feel like they are fast by saying they went -.78 and it feeds their ego. What's wrong with -.58 being a fast run.....because even though people can feel all proud of themselves over their run, it's really 2 tenths slower than it really is, but NHRA is now into giving out participation trophies....aka index.....to make the slow guys feel better about themselves. I can tell you right now, if Frank is going for a win, he will destroy B/DA if he has to, and 10 guys will be effected in the country. He has 9 personal, so at this point, he has nothing to lose....but no one thought about those consequences.
I'm not faulting anyone for getting the class index hit to win a national event. I would do the same thing if I were ever in that situation.

But the information I can find on NHRA sites about it was extremely confusion because they only list the "mineshaft" index hits and I was confused.

All I was asking for was clarification. Not a lecture. Lol.
So in the end we both got hit the same amount. Seems logical to penalize us the same as my car was sitting in the shop that weekend. So you qualify off your personal, you race in eliminations off your personal, but when it comes down to it, the whole class suffers if you go too fast.
How else would it work? In other words do you have another method of indexing in mind?
How else would it work? In other words do you have another method of indexing in mind?

No, I don't have anything in mind. Like I said, and I believe I've said it SEVERAL times in this thread already, I was just confused between personal and class indexes and how they are effected.

I guess some of you just like to argue. I appreciate Ben Holt keeping this on topic and helping me understand it better.
No, I don't have anything in mind. Like I said, and I believe I've said it SEVERAL times in this thread already, I was just confused between personal and class indexes and how they are effected.

I guess some of you just like to argue. I appreciate Ben Holt keeping this on topic and helping me understand it better.
I was genuinely asking if you had a better suggestion. Because in the post I quoted you seemed to be unhappy with the current system, relax dude
I was genuinely asking if you had a better suggestion. Because in the post I quoted you seemed to be unhappy with the current system, relax dude

The only thing I'm unhappy about is that my index got hit .10 I would think that's understandable?

I'm confused about the current index system. Which Ben Holt helped me better understand.
I guess some of you just like to argue. I appreciate Ben Holt keeping this on topic and helping me understand it better.

I don't feel like I was trying to argue or lecture you. I was just pointing out what's wrong with giving 2 tenths back, and you just experienced it. So going back to what I said several months ago, Bruno just showed what this system does to a class. He could have been -.62 this weekend, but instead, he was -.82. The only good part, if there is one, and I'm sure you don't feel this way, is that only 1 other person has been effected. Just wait until it happens in a class that has 10 cars in it.
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I don't feel like I was trying to argue or lecture you. I was just pointing out what's wrong with giving 2 tenths back, and you just experienced it. So going back to what I said several months ago, Bruno just showed what this system does to a class. He could have been -.62 this weekend, but instead, he was -.82. The only good part, if there is one, and I'm sure you don't feel this way, is that only 1 person has been effected. Just wait until it happens in a class that has 10 cars in it.

Good point.
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