DD/AT Index

Good points bob,
So are we saying this is where we are at now? That with no personal index that every time a guy goes and finds something and runs quicker, that the other guys in his class are gonna quit? That sounds like the person problem more than a comp problem... the person who quit was at the end of his rope or didn't want to advance with technology. Well, ive been on both sides of that coin with c/ed. I had raced c/ed for so long i was tired of it so i went another direction instead. But i love comp so i wasnt gonna quit racing it..

There are other classes in comp and most motors will fit more than one class with minor changes or find another comp class and build something new. I would think that would be good for you because a guy might send his stuff back to you looking for another 20 hp or build a new piece.

Stuff changes constantly. Phones, computers, automobiles. Why are we hoping that comp should be stagnant and a guy with less power should be able to run 60 under in a performance based class? Why are we trying to make him stay in the same class by giving him a different index.The index system was made to level all cars and create a system to balance run away indexes(mostly because new classes have been created too many times). Not to keep the people who dont want to work at it..and yes we all work at it but some more than others. I dont think everybody should be 60 under. Only the best should be 60 under. Thats part of the problem in my opinion. Everyone thinking that they should be the fastest out there even if they are not working as hard as someone else.

I like to see people run it to the finish line, and i want to see cool new ideas at the track every weekend. I like technology and progress. I love to see people think outside the box. Using their brains and coming up with something awesome. If we keep on the current direction of the class i think we are gonna lose that. No need to build anything new. Just put a new driver in your car every six months. If no one else was in that class that could last forever...

- Craig
429 K/AA Old Dude
You should never give index back. It takes years to get it in line and then somebody had the bright idea it will bring racers back. Some will never come back but just like to jaw. The real comp racers are hanging in there because they are real racers and love the sport and the competition. The money sucks and we all acknowledge that.
That sounds like the person problem more than a comp problem... the person who quit was at the end of his rope or didn't want to advance with technology. Well, ive been on both sides of that coin with c/ed. I had raced c/ed for so long i was tired of it so i went another direction instead. But i love comp so i wasnt gonna quit racing it..

- Craig

Funny you say that. And I'm just being honest here, after our index got hit a .10 We've looked at 3 other comp classes to potentially transition too. And 2 of them don't involve turbos (which is crazy for us) :). Crazy when you really start putting pen to paper there are still a handful of classes that have a very soft index.

But even if we left Comp it wouldn't be to quit racing. It would be to race in a class and/or series that we like better.
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Carey, your stuff would fly in a dragster!! I/d is always an option..

That was one of the classes we were talking about. We also threw around L/A with our current engine setup (no turbo obviously) and I/A with a Honda V6, both in our current chassis since we could get it light enough.

But for now we'll just keep working on our current setup.
That was one of the classes we were talking about. We also threw around L/A with our current engine setup (no turbo obviously) and I/A with a Honda V6, both in our current chassis since we could get it light enough.

But for now we'll just keep working on our current setup.
Haven't you been 6.70's with that thing?
the facts are brian and bob that there has been a dramatic decrease in participation over the last 5 years in particular since 2014. i am concerned about those facts. i am with you guys i dont want comp to go away, it is literally what i grew up doing, my dad didnt hunt or fish he burned rubber and aside from a few years in factory modified it was in comp. is it not logical to look at the rules package as part of the problem? i am one of the ones who 8 years ago said more rules wouldnt fix it, and to this exact moment in time i think i have been proved right. what is the draw for a fan to watch 12 or 13 pairs of cars they dont understand to begin with shut off first round? even qualifying is a big shut off fest? who is gonna watch that? all anybody really has to do here is say you know what yeah we can look into this, but no you guys say well it is what it is, and we need to adapt and all that, well when people opt to adapt right out of the class who did that help? when nhra adapts and says see yah later idiots who will that help? that deal in norwalk and 1st round in the "shootout" in bowling green was an embarrasment plain and simple. comp got booed for heaven sake. to your point bob how long will nhra put up with it taking the better part of an hour to run 13 pairs of cars? why not try to help them make this deal simple as possible. get rid of pi and go back to 2014 indexes then take a tenth off of them. then tenth off would have absolutely no impact on the qualifying orders as they are but may in fact make the racing part of it better. i am not sure anymore if guys go to win or they go to say i went 70 under? i know bruno goes to win. there are mineshaft rules that need to be addressed, comp used to be a class that leveled itself out pretty well now it seems the way its operated is to make groups or cars faster instead of leveling itself out. it doesnt work. i hope that yet again my brother will provide the numbers here as he has via a group text because it is not a good look at all. the thing is i think it is fixable, i was one of the idiots who didnt think there was all that much wrong to begin with so there is that to consider.

p.s. craig schuck to the front
the facts are brian and bob that there has been a dramatic decrease in participation over the last 5 years in particular since 2014. i am concerned about those facts. i am with you guys i dont want comp to go away, it is literally what i grew up doing, my dad didnt hunt or fish he burned rubber and aside from a few years in factory modified it was in comp. is it not logical to look at the rules package as part of the problem? i am one of the ones who 8 years ago said more rules wouldnt fix it, and to this exact moment in time i think i have been proved right. what is the draw for a fan to watch 12 or 13 pairs of cars they dont understand to begin with shut off first round? even qualifying is a big shut off fest? who is gonna watch that? all anybody really has to do here is say you know what yeah we can look into this, but no you guys say well it is what it is, and we need to adapt and all that, well when people opt to adapt right out of the class who did that help? when nhra adapts and says see yah later idiots who will that help? that deal in norwalk and 1st round in the "shootout" in bowling green was an embarrasment plain and simple. comp got booed for heaven sake. to your point bob how long will nhra put up with it taking the better part of an hour to run 13 pairs of cars? why not try to help them make this deal simple as possible. get rid of pi and go back to 2014 indexes then take a tenth off of them. then tenth off would have absolutely no impact on the qualifying orders as they are but may in fact make the racing part of it better. i am not sure anymore if guys go to win or they go to say i went 70 under? i know bruno goes to win. there are mineshaft rules that need to be addressed, comp used to be a class that leveled itself out pretty well now it seems the way its operated is to make groups or cars faster instead of leveling itself out. it doesnt work. i hope that yet again my brother will provide the numbers here as he has via a group text because it is not a good look at all. the thing is i think it is fixable, i was one of the idiots who didnt think there was all that much wrong to begin with so there is that to consider.

p.s. craig schuck to the front
Heard about the booing of Comp at Norwalk. What was that about? Anybody know any facts about it?
The fans were frustrated that no one was going down the track. It's pretty hard to watch cars fire, then be shut off, and not stage for what seemed like 10 minutes. Not just the first pair, but multiple pairs of cars (some before, some after, the burnout). I was there and I believe any class would have received the same "appreciation" from the fans. I'm not sure what the problem was with getting the correct indexes up on the board, but that was the cause for the delay and the reaction from the fans.

Chuck Haubiel