I think theres alot more comeing ,
Can you imagine a : super mod "Pro Stocker"
Like pro stockers were-
and SuperMods are much easier to work on than your regular chassis cars
I think theres alot more comeing ,
Can you imagine a : super mod "Pro Stocker"
Like pro stockers were-
couldn't help but notice the pic. with BS3 on Bo Butners PS hoodscoop at Bristol
Jeremy, Jeremy I've been around fuel injection for 15 years now and have a little experience with several brands and after using a Motec you'll drop kick most other brands out of your shop. NHRA can have a 9 year old kid download the Motec after a run and it will tell you everything that was turned on and used during that run so policing would not be a problem. What do you have against Australians anyway, you like China better????
Yes you could.If you use an injector controller couldn't you still use the msd box for spark? Might be easier for NHRA to check for traction control
But, if there had to be a spec controller, then NHRA would be better off going with Holley or Fast - from a moral standpoint. That's all.