Gotta Wonder Sometimes

Charlie Yannetti

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2006
After spending a long, hot, muggy month, I mean week or so at Indy, I found myself wondering during the long ride back to Doity Joisey, how does this fuel debacle actually work... I also found myself wondering just how big is the State of Pennsyltucky anyway??

Sunoco got the deal, which screws VP dealers, which takes money out of their pockets and food off their tables, which screws long time NHRA racers still using VP, who are not even in Sunoco mandated classes, and even gets people thrown off the premises at Indy for attempting to help fellow racers who aren't even mandated to use Sunoce Fuels... WHAT??, someone got thrown off the property for selling VP to an undercover Sunoco guy who said he was a racer in need of VP fuel in a non-mandated class??.. that's a story all by itself, if you wanna get into STIRRING THE POT...

My question would be, "Isn't Lucas Oil a major, REALLY MAJOR, sponsor to NHRA??.. if that's the case, why is another oil company, or two, allowed to solicit at NHRA events, without repercussion, and even have a spot on the Midway, or what's left of the Midway.. OOPS!!.. here we go with the marketing thing again.. and if that's OK, why can't other fuel companies do the same as the other oil companies??.. why can't VP have a spot on the Midway, just like Amalie Oil does.. or share a trailer like Royal Purple does??.. OH!!, I forgot, VP doesn't have a Top Fooler wrapped in their colors, or, or, and yeah, we all know about the money thing.. UGH!!

For all that Lucas Oil does for NHRA, shouldn't there be some loyalty, or exclusivity, going back the other way from NHRA, in the same manner shown to Sunoco Race Fuels??.. knowing the class that the Lucas family has, they would probably say something like "Live, and let live".. to which I would say, in my own common sense way, EXACTLY!!!..

Now, I know someone will have a discussion with me, in the very near furture, about the oil situation being a topic of fair marketing.. to which I will probably respond, "Really??, Ass Clown, REALLY??.. or I will be told that gas and oil don't mix, so leave it alone.. or something stupid like that.. why am I always being told to leave it alone??... LMAO!!... but I think everyone can easily see my point.. take a company like Lucas Oil for granted, and they may become just like NHRA Sportsman racing in the near future.. what was the name on that car??.. COLOR ME GONE!!!.. just my opinion..

AND!!.. a special thanks goes out to my undercover VP brothers that DID help a racer in need, (NOT ME), through one quick phone call (MIGHT HAVE BEEN ME, I SAID MIGHT).. those phones really are smart.. next event we'll get you set up in a gas station near by, so some undercover wanna-be can't call NHRA to report that you're selling gas from a gas station.. maybe we'll get you set up in a Sunoco station.. IMAGINE THAT!!!

AND AND!!.. a heart-felt thanks to all of you who asked if I am OK, and where Ive been, cause you miss my posts.. Well, no one is supposed to know, but I've been busy advising a certain mop-top candidate from Nu Yawk, which is just across the Dirty Brook from Doity Joisey, to just tell it like it is, and someone will pay attention.. NOW, if I can only get him to use my styling techniques.. and you guys do realize that the best competiton to be put up, is a Professor Dave look-a-like... ROFLMFAO!!!!
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this sucks , one racer helping another racer . Next we will get in trouble for picking up a six pack of Mountain dew .

on the other note , We all love the Mop headed guy from NY , how can I get on that team
There are 7 or 8 race fuel companies on the NHRA Accepted Products List. And all of those companies rely on selling their products to as many racers as possible. They all make good products. A lot of races and championships have been won over the years by all of those race fuel companies. So being locked out of certain classes and certain race tracks is going to hurt not just the companies, but the racers over the long term.
From a business point of view though, it makes sense. If one manufacturer is willing to write you a huge check to be the only allowed supplier, quality of product not withstanding, you'd be inclined to take the money and let the chips fall.
With as many problems as this switch has produced, maybe NHRA will rethink the whole single supplier idea. But from a business standpoint, you can't really fault NHRA.
As i've said before, Sunoco is going to do whatever they feel is needed to enforce their contract with NHRA. And they are relying on NHRA to help with that. Sunoco spent a lot of money for the contract. They asked for, and were given total exclusivity for race fuel sales at national events. So they will do what they can to be sure they get as much value as possible for the money they spent. Like it or not, the racers are going to have to go along.
This sort of thing happens a lot. Remember the great nitro debate years ago when VP sent people around to check trailers for other brands of nitro. And a very, very big team was caught with a different brand. Not using it, but it was in the trailer.
Oval track racers have been subjected to trailer searches for years. And in most cases, racers at local oval tracks are required to purchase a minimum of 10 gallons of the official fuel every race night or they aren't allowed to race.
this sucks , one racer helping another racer . Next we will get in trouble for picking up a six pack of Mountain dew .

Yep, only Mellow Yellow is allowed...

And try running your car at a divisional or national with a Gatorade sticker on it...

If that is true about a racer selling another fuel to help out that's pretty pathetic unless he is a VP dealer, that might be a little conflict.
Well I haven't had any issues with the Sunoco fuel myself but didn't start running Til may. Haven't heard much out of the pro stock guys myself.

I know that's not what your topic is about here but hell I still have a VP decal on the cars lol. I agree with everyone above business is business! If I paid for the rights they did Id protect my investment however I had too!

Id say it's safe to say Charlie I think it's time you found a new topic.
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Thanks for the kind suggestion, Clint, but I think not.. BUT, when I saw your name pop up, I kinda had you read before you wrote.. I might start to think about finding a new topic when Sunoco starts giving me all kinds of free stuff.. ya know, hats, shirts, banners, free fuel, knee pads.. NAH, DON'T THINK SO!!

The stuff is absolute junk.. are they improving it as the year goes on??.. Sunoco says "Why, there was nothing wrong with it to begin with".. a statement from Indy... REALLY??

If I am NOT REQUIRED, in my class, to run Sunoco at any event, National or Divisional, why can't I buy my preferred fuel at ANY race... Comp, PS, and PSB are required to run it.. THAT'S IT!!!!...

Hmmmmmmm.. wonder if Sunoco will have the State Troopers checking trailers on the highway for full fuel jugs to keep us from bringing our fuel to the races.. it is illegal in some states to transport fuel in trailers.. especially without a fire extinguisher at each door.. CHECK YOUR ROUTES, BOYZ

The PS guys aren't complaining cause I'm not sure how many of the are actually running it any more... remember, where there's a will, there's a way.. and I heard there was a pretty big run at Test Tubes R Us recently... or they're just running that other stuff... HEEEEEEEERE WEEE GOOOOOO!!!
Charlie, do not know the details of racer helping racer but if racer sold fuel for profit, that is not helping a racer, that is a being a business man.

Nhra has many sponsorship deals that are exclusive, Edelbrock replacement heads in stock / super stock, Goodyear tires for the pros, mello yellow.

Surprised nobody up in arms about Holley only fuel injection supplier for pro stock, I am sure same deal, Holley ponied up money for exclusive.
Any comp racer that may want to race prostock once in a while better start using Holley re Book engines Brandon Huhtala

Crazy part about sunoco deal is if quality does get straightened out, may be less expensive for the racers as I understand Sunoco prices are lower per gallon
How come when it was VP only you where not here bitiching about it then. Amount of time you have spent complaining about this fuel you could have figured it out by now if you where working instead of posting. You right about some pro stock teams cheating with it I know one team for sure who hasn't and I know one team that has.
Ill add to Chris' statement. I know of another team that has never cheated with it. Shit, we are running so poorly that if we were cheating and sucking this bad, we are too stupid to race :eek:
That being said, the stuff is different. I still dont think we have a handle on it, but we have been struggling so bad that we havent been able to focus on it
To ad to the pot stirring. There was a racer at Indy that bought fuel right off the Sunoco truck. This fuel failed fuel check, so he returned to the Sunoco trailer looking for some fresh fuel. The Sunoco rep would neither replace the fuel or refund his money. Thanks for your $75 now piss off.

Chris, The reason no one bitched about anything when it was VP only for ProStock/Comp is because there wasn't anything to bitch about. I have NEVER had and don't know anyone that has ever had an issue with the quality of VP fuels. And VP Never had any issue with other fuel brands being used in the other classes, which apparently Sunoco does, otherwise why would you set a trap to try and catch someone trying to help out another racer.

One question is does anyone know how many Pro Stock races have been won this year using VP fuel? I'll give you a hint the answer IS NOT ZERO.
SR-18 is easier on the pocketbook, but it is not betteer than, or even equal to C-25...

Some racers will tell you that they have no problem with it, and that's acceptable because I have been with teams that have had no adverse affects taht could be contributed to the fuel.. BUT, I have been witness to expensive breakage that was attributed to the fuel, and burn conditions that were found after disassembly...

The tune-up is crucial, and as earlier stated, it is all different..

My question is to those who claim to have no problems.. are you getting the cutting edge performance that you thought you would have??.. if you picked up 10hp over last years piece with SR-18, would you have picked up more with C-25??.. unless you actually back-to-backed it during a test session, the answers are "I DON'T KNOW"..

I got to attend one of these test sessions, and it was shocking to see the differences in performance...

And Steve Pohill, you are absolutly right.. the answer is NOT ZERO..
Chris, The reason no one bitched about anything when it was VP only for ProStock/Comp is because there wasn't anything to bitch about. I have NEVER had and don't know anyone that has ever had an issue with the quality of VP fuels. And VP Never had any issue with other fuel brands being used in the other classes, which apparently Sunoco does, otherwise why would you set a trap to try and catch someone trying to help out another racer.

One question is does anyone know how many Pro Stock races have been won this year using VP fuel? I'll give you a hint the answer IS NOT ZERO.

I had or by the time I got to point determined that the fuel was the problem. Back in 08 they change something in c-25 cause it almost made me quit racing. Finished a drum of fuel and lost 40 hp from one race to the next. So something suddenly didn't work with what I had going.

As for that second comment sonoma and seattle where 100% won on sr-18 and made two of my best corrected runs that I have ever made.
The rumor is that eliminations at Pomona were run on C-25.. another rumor is that the trailer chemists have come with a mixture to make SR-18 better, and still pass a hap-hazard fuel check..

A fact is that there is another fuel out there that looks like, tests like it, maybe even tastes like it.. BUT performs like C-25..

NOW!!.. I'm just SOMETIMES COMP RACER, and a most of ther time SG racer, and even I know about this stuff... wouldn't you think the brainiacs are way ahead of me??
SR-18 Update :) :) :) :)

You know I don't have an axe to grind here but here is a little story about SR-18 fuel.

A very good Comp Elim friend of mine bought fresh SR-18 fuel in Indy then goes to St Louis & fuel does not pass.

Then bought fresh fuel in St Louis & went right to number 1 qualifier.

Pure SR-18 fuel right off the Sunoco truck. "No special blend"

Your results may vary. :) :)

Mike Foster

Former & going be a comp racer again if I can ever find the time :)
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You are correct, Mike.. from race to race, or can to can, you never know what your going to get..

If you're lucky, the inconsistency only costs you some performance, and maybe that race.. BUT IF YOU'RE NOY LUCKY, the inconsistency might cost you a motor, and maybe a car, and you just may be OUTTA HERE...

Sound OK to you??