Good morning, Frank, and thank you for elaborating on your post, and providing an explanation of your thoughts.. I haven't been paying as close attention to the statistics as you, but if accurate, this stuff kinda chaps my ass.. while being part of "race teams", and understanding the "race team concept", I know what happens within a race team, and have participated in the team concept.. sometimes successfully.. and while watching the ladder, loyal team members know their role, and the fans understand the concept.. DON'T COME TO THE STARTING LINE!!
AND, I would love to hear from the guys who supposedly laid down last year, but we all know that they all experienced some type of mechanical difficulties, or left on the first yellow because a bee was in their helmet... so hearing from those people would be fruitless..
I also understand the "blocker concept", and have personally been called upon, in the past, to act as a blocker, but usually after mid-season when the points picture is starting to reveal itself.. and as we all know, the "blocker concept" does not always work because the blocker actually has to race to win, except against the racer that brought him in.. that's when the "race team concept" kicks in.. we all know how that works.. does the blocker get cash, or favors??... HMMMMMMMM
That being said, I find it distressing that "the lay down concept" is commonly used in bracket racing, resulting in splitting payouts, etc.. BUT, to use this method in Comp, outside of the team concept, is not helping the class overall.. and I can tell you from the sidelines, that watching those types of races is laughable.. and honestly, Mr Cervelli, if your team is receiving some type of sanctions by NHRA for using these tactics, NHRA should be sanctioning race teams all over the Country.. Division Directors need to step up, pay closer attention, and penalize those racers participating in this nonsense.. maybe another Tech Inspection for the loser, like an investigation.. YEAH, YEAH, THAT'S IT!!
As far as racers, outside the race team, that BLATANTLY lay down for someone, especially this early in the season, I'll publicly state that I have very little respect for them as racers, cause apparently, they have no respect for themselves, or the hard work and money that they have put forth to race Comp.. and if it's proven that they did lay down, and received favor for doing it, they should be suspended.. ain't that right, NHRA??.. BUT!!.. if you lay down for someone, and get nothing for it, you're just an Ass Clown... YUP, I JUST SAID THAT!!..
BUT!!.. I will add that if you are clearly beaten, and click off to maintain your indexes, I don't believe that you are laying down.. key words here, CLEARLY BEATEN..
I believe that Comp racers should pay closer attention to Vinny Barone's concept of drag racing.. "MAKE NO DEALS, RACE TO THE STRIPE, AND IF YOU CAN'T WIN, CAUSE DAMAGE".. that concept just might help the class, for the fans, and would definitely help even the INDEX playing field.. might even serve to provide some self respect for some racers..
So, Mr Cervelli, I understand your thoughts, and have shared mine.. I would say that you should document your evidence, and if you feel strongly enough about the situation, take your evidence to NHRA Rules Committee, of course, bypassing SRAC, because stating your case on this forum actually means nothing, other than for people to read, and then go back to their "safe space".. and since my comments are public, feel free to use them..
I keep thinking of a great team that is no longer around, EXACTLY because of this type of nonsense.. eventually, you come up against REAL racers that won't even hear about cash, or favors, to give you a win, and then they make your offers public.. eventually, it becomes embarrassing, and you disappear...
SOOOOOOOOOOO!!.. if it sounds to you like I'm calling on Mr Cervelli, and NHRA, to do something, YOU WOULD BE RIGHT!!!
I guess I should go outside to check on the Rumor Mill, but it's raining, and it's COFFEE TIME!!!... HazelNUT coffee with HazelNUT Creamer, OF COURSE... did somebody say NUT??... IMAGINE THAT!!!!
WELL, I got places to go, and more people to piss off... wish I was an ACTIVE COMP RACER... LMAO!!!