Is this good for comp ?

Yeah cause Brian Bob made multiple runs with a perfect light right from the comfort of his living room!! Yeah I am a no driving fuck too so I don’t have to hear it. I got the proof I suck ass on time slips.

But I will say anyone who pays a competitor money or favors is a chicken shit. Bringing your own blocker to a race there is some grey area there.
Clark Smiley
429 K/AA Old Dude
Hey smart ass Projack, I've forgotten more than you will ever know.......

LOL....That's probably true since you're so old....but that could be natural memory loss at your age. And it took you 13 posts and over 13 hours to even realize you were insulted. You catch on quick.
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429 K/AA Old Dude
IMSA, NMCA all the same. I've been here (NHRA) 51 years and believe me I've seen a lot of kids come and go that can't hang.......

You are a saint if you’ve dealt with the NHRA for 51 years. I want to buy you a beer or many if I ever meet you.
Yeah cause Brian Bob made multiple runs with a perfect light right from the comfort of his living room!! Yeah I am a no driving fuck too so I don’t have to hear it. I got the proof I suck ass on time slips.

But I will say anyone who pays a competitor money or favors is a chicken shit. Bringing your own blocker to a race there is some grey area there.
Clark Smiley

Nolan, very few of us have dads who will fund their lackluster racing operation regardless of the results. Consider yourself blessed.
Hey bob I will outrun anything you have ever had or will ever have!!! That is a promise!!! My dad is a bad mother fucker so yes I am blessed!! And by the way. My mom owns my car!!!
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Hey bob I will outrun anything you have ever had or will ever have!!! That is a promise!!! My dad is a bad mother fucker so yes I am blessed!! And by the way. My mom owns my car!!!

I’ll put up $5,000 the B/DA I show up with outruns the one you show up with. You in?
I’ll outrun that car with mine!! Whatever it is I don’t care!!! I would not be caught dead driving an automatic!!!
Clark Smiley
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Why don’t we all just line up on the starting line and have a foot race!!! No rules just flat out run your ass to be finish line. First one there gets something really SHINEY!!
Are those 2 separate races? One where I drive the B/DA and take your money and one where I outrun your praying mantis body on foot and take your money? Cuz I’m up for both
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Sounds like easy money to me!! And the praying mantis has the largest penis in the insect world. Incase you didn’t know.
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