Need Help. Reading, PA Auto Plus Nat's


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
I am going to get my sponsors to call NHRA if all else fails, however I was hoping a couple COMP guys with gold cards, etc. (who can enter anytime no matter how many entries) could pull out of the Reading Race quickly at a time we set so I can enter the Auto Plus A/Altered planetary into the Auto Plus Nationals in Reading, PA...... I was going to enter this morning and now see that 37 of 35 entries are listed... I figured that if some pull out who are already entered it would make me be able to enter and it would not effect them at all as they could just re-enter with their gold card at say then 38 of 35 cars..... Am I correct ??? any people who can help me out with this??? .... Don't really want to call my sponsor and get him to call NHRA but will if all else fails... Thank you.

-Blake Alexander
thanks thought that might have been the case but thought there was a small chance it was different.
HEY BLAKE.. if all else fails, call the D1 office, they may be able to help.. they will just have to cut the multi-car teams down to two spots instead of three.. or just tell them that you're with Team Barone.. IMAGINE THAT!!

AND.. it's a down right sin that they made the cut off at 35, when they know damn well that there are at least 40 or more guys looking to come to this particular race.. I guess they need more room for John Force Racing and his 12 freakin' good for nothing rigs.. now there's an Ass Clown for ya...

Yeah, Yeah.. just another bad hair day.. wish I was taxing Vinny's generator.. LMAO!!!!!
I am going to get my sponsors to call NHRA if all else fails, however I was hoping a couple COMP guys with gold cards, etc. (who can enter anytime no matter how many entries) could pull out of the Reading Race quickly at a time we set so I can enter the Auto Plus A/Altered planetary into the Auto Plus Nationals in Reading, PA...... I was going to enter this morning and now see that 37 of 35 entries are listed... I figured that if some pull out who are already entered it would make me be able to enter and it would not effect them at all as they could just re-enter with their gold card at say then 38 of 35 cars..... Am I correct ??? any people who can help me out with this??? .... Don't really want to call my sponsor and get him to call NHRA but will if all else fails... Thank you.

-Blake Alexander

Join the club - we are trying to get in also - hard to understand why ,at a race as poular as this,they would cut-off at 35 cars.
Why NHRA has a cutoff on the number entered is a good question in itself. Is it because they don't want to put up with "sportsman" racers. If a hundred cars showed up they still qualify for a thirty two car field.

Bruce H.
Plenty of pit space now.. without Stk, SS, SC, and SG, I guess Comp will become "THE FILLER".. should be interesting..

AND HEY BLAKE!!!.. I bet if you make that call to D1 today, they'll tell you to come on down.. the need extra filler...
Yea it looks like they have pulled the plug on Thursday all together without all "the filler" there...
One year at Dallas they brought us in one class at a time . They parked us at wallmart and a football field parking lot about 10 miles away . After you lost they made you leave the race track with your car and trailer . They teched the cars in the parking lot . They was not weighing the cars no fuel check either . The bad thing for us we was running B/ED and could`nt get out 1 lb of weight . There was cars running a dime better than they had run ever . I am glad we did`nt have a clutch car then no time even to cool the motor . I almost forgot no qf either paired off of points .
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Come on now, Bob.. it's going to be a high of 70 tomorrow and partly cloudy.. 40's tomorrow night.. then clear and mid 50's Saturday and Sunday, chance of rain less than 20%..

A little jetting and timing work and you might be in the teens out here..
One year at Dallas they brought us in one class at a time . They parked us at wallmart and a football field parking lot about 10 miles away . After you lost they made you leave the race track with your car and trailer . They teched the cars in the parking lot . They was not weighing the cars no fuel check either . The bad thing for us we was running B/ED and could`nt get out 1 lb of weight . There was cars running a dime better than they had run ever . I am glad we did`nt have a clutch car then no time even to cool the motor . I almost forgot no qf either paired off of points .

I was there that year it was frecking crazy a few years later they made super class cars park outside the whole event and brought them in Monday to run
Reading -579 ft I wonder about sat and sunday when it is 15deg cooler . The track must be slick cause lots of cars is not getting down . If 17 cars don`t go 61 under it will be a blood bath sat and sunday .
Just got word from the track, air is 2100' DA. Track is pretty good.

Charlie, where did you hear -579ft?

Had to call and confirm as if the air is that good and thats what they're running, I was going to tell them bring there sh!t home!!