Nhra adds 2 new comp classes

deuces wild

Active Member
Nov 2, 2010
Dripping Springs, TX
Competitors in the popular SS/AH and Factory Stock Showdown (FSS) will now also have classes within Competition Eliminator in which to compete at all NHRA Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series divisional and national events. All rules for FSS and SS/AH will apply and competitors will be required to utilize the Sunoco spec fuel for Competition Eliminator.

The class designations and indexes will be as follows:

- AH/SM (Hemi cars) will run off a 8.75 index
- FS/SM (FSS cars) will run off a 8.47 index
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Seems like a logical step considering the declining entrants in Comp Eliminator.
Hopefully the indexes get adjusted properly too.
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I hope some of the comp guys talk to NHRA about the Hemi Car index. There is no way any of the hemi cars will be competitive with that index given the current rules. That really needs to be fixed.
Honestly both indexes look a bit shit. They are just now dipping in the 7's with the absolute best FSS cars. I would think those guys wouldn't even run comp to begin with. NHRA should put .20 on top of both of those indexes so there are at least a few cars that can even go .60 under. At this index the world record holding FSS car is only a .54 under player.
I hope some of the comp guys talk to NHRA about the Hemi Car index. There is no way any of the hemi cars will be competitive with that index given the current rules. That really needs to be fixed.
You are right about the AH cars 85 would be better but the fx cars should be harder mostly because of the new blowers and NHRA giving them new stuff every year. BUT and I mean But how fast will they be with Sunoco gas

What happen to K/D and K/DA 4 cyl overhead cam engines
Greg.... I have been sending emails the last day figuring out about K/D and K/DA. My future in Comp really depends on them figuring out a way to separate 4V engines out of F/D.
Shenk is right. They will get to put in Sunoco fuel. That ought to be worth a nickel or so I would think. No telling how fast they will be able to go. Those things will be flying. Right back to where they came from.
Clark Smiley
Bucky Hess, what class will you race at Indy?

I am saddened to see Stock and Super Stock cars in comp. Aside from adding to the car counts, comp eliminator was always a bad ass class. More watering down with MORE classes doesn't help imho, especially when these cars already have there own class to race

But I always raced where I needed to know I had a good chance of winning at the end of the day. Wasnt there for filler. Also never believed Stock eliminator cars should be allowed to compete in Super Stock, so my opinion doesn't really matter in NHRA's book. Good luck with the Sunoco tune-up. Hopefully see you win a round or 2 this year and back racing SS/AH class at US nats!
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Bucky Hess, what class will you race at Indy?

I am saddened to see Stock and Super Stock cars in comp. Aside from adding to the car counts, comp eliminator was always a bad ass class. More watering down with MORE classes doesn't help imho, especially when these cars already have there own class to race

But I always raced where I needed to know I had a good chance of winning at the end of the day. Wasnt there for filler. Also never believed Stock eliminator cars should be allowed to compete in Super Stock, so my opinion doesn't really matter in NHRA's book. Good luck with the Sunoco tune-up. Hopefully see you win a round or 2 this year and back racing SS/AH class at US nats!
If there is a shootout at Indy I’ll be there in ss, if not I doubt if I could qualify at Indy in Comp with tough index. I love Comp. Guess I’ll just be a duck till we make more power
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We ran c25 then had to run sr18 and had to change the tuneup a little but didn't see any power gains.
You're right, Todd Hall.. there are no power gains in SR-18.. most engine builders will tell you just the opposite.. you can tune all you want, but probably will not make up for the power loss.. and not being a Pro class, why is Comp restricted to SR-18??.. are we awake yet??...
429 K/AA Old Dude
Hey bubba Charlie, there is nothing wrong with SR18. I personally think it has turned out to be a better fuel than C25. There are some advantages which I can't tell you about because I would have to kill you. It ain't the fuel bubba, plus it's a WHOLE LOT cheaper....
Damn here I am agreeing with Charlie. Sunoco fuel sucks. I don’t run sr18 and the shit I run is shit. And it cost me more than the vp fuel I ran previously.
Clark Smiley
Old guy the only advantage it has is it won’t burn so you have a harder time melting down that half a motor you run!!!!