Oh and for the record frank. I don't think anything y'all do really helps. Nhra is gonna do what they want. But thanks for the effort.
Clark Smiley
Take a look at the Rulebook in section 2 , pages 5 & 6 and you will see the maximum hits.
If the racers think the SRAC reps are not listening to the racers and representing their opinions to NHRA then the racers should vote them out and put their hat in the ring. I certainly would if I felt that way. I'm pretty sure most of the current SRAC reps are doing it because nobody else would. Most importantly remember we have no rules or procedures changing power, we are only representatives of the racer. Trust me when I tell you we represent the opinion of the majority voiced to us whether we personally agree or not, I know I do.
I'm not sure why it would need to be in the rule book when it's not possible to have a personal index slower than the class index.
Frank, I have no idea what you guys discuss or do in D1, or who voted you in in D1. But am I missing something because I was thanking Greg, not saying I want him voted out.
This is from your post;
I think it would do the class good if the SRAC and NHRA would listen to the guys racing, rather than try to convince us why they think something is better and going to bring out new racers.
I never singled out Greg, I made a general statement in response to yours about you wishing the SRAC would listen to the racers instead of trying to convince us why they think something is better. I don't see any of us trying to convince anyone of anything other than getting out to race. I know I do and many of the other reps work hard at trying to get guys out racing.
Hahahahahaha....Frank, you are really grasping at straws now. You take one sentence out of a post to try and make your point.
You aren’t sure why a rule should be in the rule book?
That's not what I said. I said it's simply not possible to have a personal index slower than the class index. If it is, I want you to explain how. What happened to you was someone's screw up in the tower, not a rules issue. So we need a rule to avoid a clerical error?
This was a thread to voice our opinions. That's all I'm doing. It's just my opinion. I didn't know your personal couldn't be slower than the class index. How would I know that? I thought the whole reason for personal was for situations like this. Hell I haven't taken any "personal" this year. Yet I've watch my "class" index go from 7.72 to 7.58. So no, it doesn't make much sense to me on the whole personal vs. class index. And all I have heard is what other racers have told me. I've still yet to see that written anywhere.
So maybe I'm dumb, that's fine, but I'm just voicing my opinion.
I really don't have anything else to say.........except.
We are going to continue running Comp. We sold our beloved S2000, that we attempted to run in Comp and we bought this new Ness Pro Stock car last year. We purchased that car to be competitive. That was our commitment to racing Comp...haha. I still stand by my claims of it being confusing and hard to learn. But we will figure it out.
Problem with the new setup, chassis was awesome but we ran into engine issues as this new chassis wanted way more power. Every race we went to last year we blew up an engine. So that really put us into a tail spin into the off season mentally and financially. We figured some stuff out, tested early this year, blew up, figured some stuff out, then finally got everything together in time to make the 2nd Indy D3 race and US Nationals. We had planned a full season of D3 races, but as fellow Comp racers I'm sure you can relate to these types of issues and growing pains. We look forward to next year and in just those 2 races this year we learned a ton and a lot to work off of.
That said, there isn't a rule or thing that can be done or said that will keep us from racing Comp, I was just voicing my opinion in a thread where opinions were ask of.![]()
Frankie, we’re buds and I know how much time you put into promoting comp and I appreciate it! I'm sure you do have people telling you they will quit if they don't get their way, just as they have said they will show up if we change the rules to suit their needs. I've been anxiously waiting for them to make their debut or comeback or whatever?! ...still waiting...
I think it is naive to think that for every racer we have gained from all the rule changes we haven't lost as many or more as a direct result of them. There are also racers who have supported Comp for many years that won't come back with the new status quo.
I can offer two facts: I sat in the booth calling 4 rounds of comp for the Sportsman tv show from Reading. When we had side by side racing it looked awesome! Unfortunately, we had a bunch of runs with two cars coasting from half track, lets just say it didn't look good.
The other, I have asked numerous sportsman racers with the resources to run comp, why they don't give it a try? Time and time again I'm told "I could never race comp, because I wouldn't want to be forced to shut off all the time."
We need to find a way to make races to the stripe the norm rather than the exception. My suggestions is we qualify off of PI (this is a no brainer) and we leave everything else alone, but do away with temporary hits. The argument about the -.40 under guy hoping others hit their index, is simple. It’s a performance based class, work on your combo and you’ll be competitive. Mine blew up every other time I stepped on the throttle for the last 3 years, but guess what, I worked on it and I’m competitive.