Hi Mark and Alan.. thanks for sharing your opinions from different sides of the spectrum..
Mark, I totally understand your views, especially with me coming from the Vinny Barone School of Drag Racing, where you make no deals, race to the stripe, race to win every round, and if you can't win, do damage.. and thanks for confirming my thoughts that most that have moved on, and up, from Comp, probably are not inclined to return, and for various reasons..
Alan, thanks for responding, and again showing that competitive heart that most of us already knew existed.. good luck in making a successful return to Comp, and we all know from your serious nature, that you will be a force to reckon with.. BUT, I will say this.. there continues to be a need for changes in Comp to make the class more pleasing to the fans, and more competitive for the racers.. there needs to be more racing to the stripe, and if it means index adjustments, so be it.. I have already confessed that the PI System, that I believed would work, and bring former racers back to the track, actually did more harm than good, and actually sidelined some good drivers..
Both of these guys have kind of touched on the key issues to racing in Comp, if not racing in general, and that is MONEY.. if it is cost prohibitive to break into the Pro ranks, and cost prohibitive to race, and maintain, a competitive Comp operation, WHAT CAN BE DONE??..