Rodger Brogdon Houston wrap up

Will Hanna

Jan 19, 2006
Great State of TEXAS
Brogdon debuts AA/SM in Houston

Drag racing can sometimes best be described as the automotive version of the never-ending story. With different races, new cars, drivers that carry the story line and the assembled cast of supporting characters the story never ends, it just completes newer chapters.

And so it goes with Rodger Brogdon and the RoofTec Racing team and their chase for the national championship. The latest chapter wrapping up this weekend at Houston Raceway Park, the sixth stop on the LODRS tour in NHRA’s division 4. The debut of the much anticipated AA/SM for Rodger didn’t necessarily go as planned, but the weekend proved to be a tremendous opportunity to learn from a racecar that appears ready to conquer the world.

With only a couple of launches, and nary a full track pass, the team started the weekend off with an on and off the throttle pass to get them into the Comp eliminator show. With rain dancing throughout the area, and scheduled to do so all weekend, qualifying was limited to just two runs before eliminations were rescheduled to begin late Saturday afternoon. The RoofTec team wasn’t thrilled with the news, but understood the reasoning and need to adjust the schedule.

First round of eliminations found Brogdon paired up alongside the D/SMA of James Sharp, and while the initial launch was one of the weekends best, the balance of the run had to be aborted, and for the first time in several years, Rodger and the team found themselves out after round one.

With the NHRA tour scheduled to arrive next weekend at the Texas Motorplex outside Dallas, time now becomes critical. The weekends rain is scheduled to continue throughout Monday, so the team will only be able to get some testing done on Tuesday and Wednesday before heading north for next weekends event. “This team has been phenomenal over the last few weeks. Pete Smallwood, Scott Benham and everyone else have worked countless, late night hours thrashing to get the car ready, and I can’t thank them enough” said Brogdon. “What we’ve learned this weekend though, we can now put into our preparation for next weekends event. This car is hungry, we just need to learn how to feed the power to it. With a few more test laps we should be ready for the O’Reilly Nationals in Ennis. It will be a good weekend to take on the best the sport has to offer.”

It will be a very interesting latest chapter for the RoofTec team, and with a full week ahead, Rodger Brogdon and team are going to be busy, but this championship team has proven in the past they are up to the task.