You all need to ease up on the reps. They don't get a dime for anything they do. When I was ask to be the rep and accepted I was given a complete email list of all Div. 3 comp competitors. I didn't have to ask anyone for it. Any time someone new came to comp they approached me to supply their info. If you don't know who your rep is or they don't have your contact info that is your own fault not theirs. If you have an issue I would suggest talking to them about it.
The survival of comp is always a concern of all the reps. I would like to point out though that they don't have the power to make any changes that NHRA doesn't agree with.
The survival of comp is always a concern of all the reps. I would like to point out though that they don't have the power to make any changes that NHRA doesn't agree with.