In an odd number of cars field, where does the top half/bottom half end? Example Rockingham, there are only 3 cars, so would 1 and 2 be the top half and 3 be the bottom half or only #1 be on the top half?
According to the D2 director the tech guys in Reynolds missed the fact that the five car field runs off a six car ladder. The top qualifier gets a bye in the first round so there need's to be six positions on the ladder with the bye being inserted in the number 4 position. 1 gets 4, 2 gets 5 and 3 gets 6, Because of the insertion of the bye Reynolds was not under mindshaft conditions. However the tech guys missed that and told the five competitors that it was mindshaft conditions and to set their cars up for that.The mistake was discovered too late to make the necessary corrections and the D2 director didn't think it would be fair to hit Chuck after the fact. A fortunate break for Chuck but the rule book clearly states the race is run under the event directors discretion and his word is final. That's why chuck's index did not get reduced. I only know of one person to walk this earth who never made a mistake.....but He didn't work for NHRA.
Yes Brian, 3 made the top half but four is the first car in the bottom half and he needs to be 61 under to be mineshaft and Jim was -58 did number 3 make the top half?