Using EFI system on N/A Engines


Aug 21, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
With the ADRL using Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) for the Mountain Motor Pro Stock this year it got me thinking, why doesn’t more people (mostly N/A Altered) in Comp start using it? I’ve notice that, one in particular (TRE), engine builder(s) is starting to offer it with both GM and Ford big and small block racing engines. Now I’m not the brightest bulb in the box, but I’m no dummy either, so I went on-line (Big Stuff3) and down loaded the installation and tuning guide and it seemed straight forward to me. The problem I might have is, because l like to tinker, is getting lost.

I would like to know if anyone has thought of using EFI on their equipment.
Currently putting together J/D with EFI 4 v DOHC deal. Fast ECM since I already own one. Big Stuff may be a better system though. Have used EFI on previous comp car. Carbs do some things better than EFI, But you can't beat EFI for fuel curve control, and g forces are not a problem. RON BOHN
There are a number of Comp racers using EFI in the altered and dragster classes. Big Stuff works for me.
first off,most of us grew up with carbs,and switching over without alot of testing would be trouble.second,dont forget about the intercooling effect that carb engines have over efi.not saying that it wouldnt be better in some cases.but not all.
grant klohn.
Recent carburetor technology has put them back in front , I believe it has to do with droplet size (a term used in T/F fuel systems) the smaller the better. We have used EFI for 12 years , but so has the majority of inline motor combo's in Comp , for a 100 reasons that don't apply to a V8.
Thanks guys for your comments.

Grant I believe you’re right; you’ll have to do a ton of testing to get the fuel curve right.

Rob, I agree that with atomization, the smaller the better for fuel/air mixture. And I’m sure the carburetor technology is better than the Holley 660’s I had in 1975.

Maybe, for now, I’ll stick with what I know for now. :rolleyes:
Recent carburetor technology has put them back in front , I believe it has to do with droplet size (a term used in T/F fuel systems) the smaller the better. We have used EFI for 12 years , but so has the majority of inline motor combo's in Comp , for a 100 reasons that don't apply to a V8.

Good example is Dave Billingsley's 4 cyl. Seems to work well with EFI. RON BOHN
EFI versus Carb

Not that it applies to comp type engines but we backed to back to back to backed EFI versus a 1150 carb on a 1050hp 572 R&M engine ( after we beat on it on the dyno)..On the race track in a 1900 lb 4-link Dragster the EFI was not any quicker ( in fact i think it was about a hundreth slower) over the carb...It did drive through the pits nicer on EFI as well as a smoother burnout though LOL.

Two things you need to keep in mind when comparing carbs to EFI regarding drag racing in general is the R&D spend since God was a baby on carbs in drag racing compared to EFI and also along the same lines is there are a hell of alot more people 'smart' with carbs compared to EFI.

There are countless reasons why EFI is better, drag racers just need to learn how to use them.
Two things you need to keep in mind when comparing carbs to EFI regarding drag racing in general is the R&D spend since God was a baby on carbs in drag racing compared to EFI and also along the same lines is there are a hell of alot more people 'smart' with carbs compared to EFI.

There are countless reasons why EFI is better, drag racers just need to learn how to use them.
Your comments , Toby , remind me of a dyno session when we were comparing carbs to EFI , back and forth , making ourselves look stupid , when Davenport says , "remember , carburetor's have intelligence , they react to the engine signal and barometric pressure and rpm , etc. your EFI has to be told everything and it's only as good as what you tell it to do ", so if you are dumb enough you make it look bad.....lot of truth in that...
Your comments , Toby , remind me of a dyno session when we were comparing carbs to EFI , back and forth , making ourselves look stupid , when Davenport says , "remember , carburetor's have intelligence , they react to the engine signal and barometric pressure and rpm , etc. your EFI has to be told everything and it's only as good as what you tell it to do ", so if you are dumb enough you make it look bad.....lot of truth in that...

nicely put rob,
carbs are self ballancing to a certain sure efi is more accurate cyl for cyl once you have merlin the wizard tune it right.i still love the way my intake looks when we warm up the car with carbs...cold and icy!does it look like that after a burnout with small throttle opening and lots of rpm?? i dont know.
grant klohn
If you put the injector at the entrance of the manifold(on the outside) like an F1 engine, you still can get the fuel droplet size,etc the way you need. Injectors dont belong squirting on top of the intake valve like a production car, you looose the ram effect, just a thought.
After q1 at the dutch classic, #1 3 4 qualifiers are running electronic fuel injection. #2 is running carb with Bob Kaiser V6 Power.
2 N/A 4 cylinders and 1 turbo car

do not have full list for q2 but new number 1 k/a hannratty .80 under 4 cylinder n/a car is running electronic fuel injection. so 4 of 1st 5 cars are running electronic fuel injection

Keep in mind that some electronic fuel injection systems also have other tuning capabilities.
Ron will you have your car don't this spring? Can't wait to see it.

I hope to have my super street truck done by spring.

JEFF Arnold
Ron will you have your car don't this spring? Can't wait to see it.

I hope to have my super street truck done by spring.

JEFF Arnold

Jeff: Picked up car from Spitzer 3 weeks ago. Gathering parts for the trans and clutch. Should be done by spring barring unforseen problems. lots of parts to make (headers , manifold etc) S/STREET truck should be an exciting first ride. see u in the spring. Best of luck! RON BOHN.
Motec is a popular brand of fuel injection system on race cars. They can usually give you a base tuneup to get you going. Others are Big Stuff 3, FastXFI which is associated with comp cams, Holley has some nice systems as well as edlebrock. Aem has a new controller that probably has 10 times the features that you will ever need.

Megasquirt is a good entry level system for the do it yourself guy who wants to learn about fuel injection Their website is very informative for the newcomer