I just want to put it out there only because my phone text messages and emails exceded 120 since sunday people asking me why was i not at virginia so who ever reads the comp site will know i have know interest in racing division one for personal feelings and probably gonna call it quits after 2016 in my opinion as a team owner/driver after my trailer won 55 national/division races combined and 45 nhra runner ups 7 divisioal one titles, 86 NHRA national records 2 competition eliminator world championships, 120 number one quailifer, enterered into the hall of fame , sportsman of the year,best apearing car,best engineered cars, so after i look at that then look at my racing peers and say they just have no respect who needs it its like loosing respect for your wife telling her to fu/k herself that dont fly once the respect is gone its over, so i kinda have a bad taste in my mouth, im not even sure if ill race etown national event as a division one race the only reason i may go is because we won it the last 3 of 4 years and 7 out the last 10 years so thats my story to all the interested parties sorry but im not a hipacrit i said wat i said and ill stick to my decision,sorry for all who want to see Barone racing out there running////////// take care vinny
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