Seems like we were both in the same boat then!! We never even ran the so called good engine oil either. we were burning rearends up in only 8 - 10 runs when we first put that deal together. A friend of ours does a lot of semi rearend repair and we ended up swtiching to this very nasty thick looking rearend dope, but we didn't have any more problems until first Round at INDY that year. I basically jinxed us on the way up to the staging lanes when i told the guys if we make it pass this round we should check that rearend. Enough said it decided to let go right then. I may be wrong but i think we were really pushing the class and now it has just slacked off a little. Im not trying to take anything away from the guys that are running b/a now just think that they should be running hign 6.90s to low 7.0s consistently from where we were running a few years back.
If you think we are slacking off in b/a I encourage you to come by our pit and take a look at the equiptment we have and the hours we put in off the track. Not too sure what kind of air you ran those 7.0's in but we ran 7.16 @ 4000ft altitude. We also have been 7.08 with a 1.01 60ft following the Ficco automatic car going .992 in air way over 2000ft. We just raced against a dodge with a qualifying Larry Morgan engine at our last race and out ran it by .14 and mph too. I've done the math in some of the air I've seen people race and we could have gone deep into the 6.90's. We expect much better numbers later in the season when we finish our new engine. We will see.