Index based qualifying

Pete Hanratty

Jan 25, 2006
Long Island
Wouldn't it help with potential fans, if we ran qualifying off our respective indexes. I believe it would also make it easier for the annoucers to explain the class to spectators.

It would only add about two minutes to the entire round of qualifying.

It would give everyone more realistic practice on the starting line as well as the top end. Plus it would be just plain fun.

People ( fans ) would line up to watch heavy hitters pair up in qualfying. Currently it is nothing more then when you pull into the lanes, which determines who you may be qualifying next to. But maybe that could be changed to develope some excitement in the class.

I understand people have reasons for being first (or last ) to the lanes. Is there a reason for the current heads up system, other than keeping things simple.?

If you run COMP, I know you want to see it grow, and gain spectators. Even with all the BS in regard to who was going to win the championship last year. it was great because it created exposure. We actually have more "personalities" than the pro classes, but we are not taking advantage of it.

Just tossing it out there....

Peter Hanratty
I love the idea Pete.....

Lets do it,sounds like fun!!!We could always try to do it ourselfs without NHRA having to do it.............just a thought...

You mean nobody else sneaks into the spectator side stands and bets on Comp qualifying?? Thats easy money 'Yeah, I'll take that B/A err, car on the right over that dragster...' :D :D You know which car is gonna win just off class....:D

Seriously, I think thats a great idea.
Index Qualifying

This is a good idea. Rather than announce 1st round of Comp as Complicated Eliminator, use qualifying as an on going education process of "why" that car is leaving ahead of the dragster.

Comp racing that means something to the fans.....what a novelty.