Comp. Q1 at Topeka


Oct 12, 2007
Bridgeport, CT.
After the first Comp. session at Topeka, Steve Matusek is #1 with a 6.682 - 205.41 (-.688). Very impressive for 2 reasons; the DA was 4033' and the #2 qualifier is Lou Ficco at only (-.476). Also the reports say that he was "skating around" early in the run; he really has that Mustang running very well.
Bill Seabrooks - compfan1
There is no reason in the world that one car is that much faster then everyone else . Ficco has a good running car , goes to show how unfair turbo classes are in comp or their index is . Theres no limit on power . For example them import guys fly and half them dont have a clue how to run a car .
Dave Strouse III
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Street race with a car like that why? Down here if you get caught street racing you could up to 10 years in prison. If somebody were to get killed while racing on the street you get life.
aa/at and bb/at have both got new life since they were allowed to run 4 valves per cylinder. Why were they allowed to do this - i dont know. The rule book says any type 2 valve head permitted.... if we are following the rules anyway. -craig
Street race with a car like that why? Down here if you get caught street racing you could up to 10 years in prison. If somebody were to get killed while racing on the street you get life.

It was the World Street Challenge, that now allows all makes after changing from the World Ford Challenge. One of the events for the 10.5-type "street legal" guys. He went long and into the sand.
Turbo cars rarely have a green light that's better than .050, and after Madison I doubt Steve will be into playing finish line games. The conditions are going to be the same all weekend, so don't look for any naturally-aspirated cars to come close to hitting the index permanently.

Add all of that together and if Steve's opponents can keep it clean and green and run -.450 to -.480, it's a perfect storm to damage that BB/AT index of which you speak so ominously. He might not cut a stellar light, his opponent does, then the opponent runs it out the back end (Matusek likely would as well). With the advantage Matusek has on the field, he might find it worth his while to tag a -.10 permanent CIC. I don't think you'd see Bruno Massel pulling that stunt; Massel has a chance to run for a divisional Top 5 finish or better.

Having said that, Steve's group deserves that Brut Essence of Racing Award, hands down. Have you seen the photos of the damage? That was just a couple weeks ago. I thought he'd be out a lot longer for sure. They deserve the #1 spot and I hope they can finally go some rounds on raceday.
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Heard last week at the D1 race that Arnie made a deal for Patterson's B/SR...... hope it's fresh when he hits the East Coast........ could be fun at E-Town.......
Well, the weather seemed to have gotten better...... now down to 3000 ft as opposed to 4000....... and Martel picked up a bunch....... if it gets down to 2000, Vinny could go into spin cycle.........LOL......... but I think Martel will try to be careful....... won't want to run out of classes
I'm always impressed by Steve's and Bruno's cars but they lack in consistency. When was the last time those cars made four good passes in a row?
Yes, he did. He made three good runs in eliminations and two in time trials. He and his dad have been working their butts off. Last year in Topeka , I think they swapped more engines than a Top Fuel team.